Listen to the Birds An Introduction to Classical Music
Unul dintre capitolele ce au fascinat-o cel mai mult pe M. din enciclopedia prezentata in articolul precendent, a fost cel destinat pasarilor. M-am gandit ca putem duce studiul mai departe, de data aceasta dintr-un alt unghi, si anume acela al muzicii inspirate de cantecul pasarilor. Cartea ce mi-a venit imediat in minte se numeste Listen to the Birds, pe care v-o recomandam pe la inceputul primaverii, in acest articol.
Special gandita pentru copii, este scrisa de Ana Gerhard si ilustrata de Cecilia Varela si se doreste a fi o introducere in muzica clasica. Particularitatea ei consta in faptul ca toate povestioarele au ca personaje principale pasarile.
Iata un fragment din prefata cartii:
With their many remarkable qualities, birds capture people’s imagination, perhaps more than any other animal.
Throughout history birds have caught the imagination of composers and inspired their creativity and this selection of works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, and others introduces children to classical music through the discovery of the melodious similarities between notes produced by instruments such as the flute, the organ, and the harpsichord and the birds’ songs. In addition to lovely illustrations, the book features a glossary of musical terms, a short biography of each composer, and a brief description of each bird evoked or mentioned in the composition.
MUSIC CD The accompanying CD offers excerpts of 20 different recordings—ranging from The Goldfinch, Hens and Roosters, and The Dance of the Swans to The Cuckoo and the Nightingale, Piano Concerto N, and Dance of the Firebird—performed by world-class luminaries including the London Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Radio Symphony Orchestra, and the Toronto Chamber Orchestra.
Pentru aceia dintre voi care ati dori sa stiti cum suna un fragment dintr-un capitol, am ales The Swan (cap.8):
The swan is a large bird belonging to the duck family. Mainly aquatic, it is still part of the only group of birds that can, to a certain extent, use the three means of locomotion: walking, flying and swimming.
Its elegant white plumage, its long delicate neck and majestic movement in the water have made this animal a symbol of beauty and harmony. This reputation has earned the swan a place in many tales and legends and has inspired fabulous musical works, including The Swan from The Carnival of the Animals. […]
Foarte inteligent gandita si organizata, cartea ne invata inclusiv cum sa lucram cu cei mici, pe fiecare capitol in parte.
2. Spring – In this famous first movement, you will hear the orchestra playing the renewed theme of Spring, first with considerable force, and then more softly, like an echo. After the introduction, you will hear the birdsong mimicked by the solo violinist, accompanied by two other violins. Ar the end of the bird passage, you will recognize the Spring theme played by the orchestra.
Salut ideea de a le destina si compozitorilor ce au scris aceste piese, un capitol in care, pe scurt si pe intelesul celor mici, sunt furnizate informatii biografice:
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Italian composer from baroque period. It was his father, a widely recognized violin virtuoso in Venice, who taught Vivaldi music. At the age of 25, Vivaldi was ordained a priest, but he would never exercise his functions. Nicknamed “il prete rosso”, “the red priest” because of the colour of his hair, Vivaldi held the position of choir director and music director at Venice’s Pio Ospedale Della Pieta, an institution that received young female orphans and offered them high-level musical education, where he worked most of his life, alongside his many other activities. […]
Foarte util este si glosarul cu termeni muzicali:
4 voices: Refers to four groups of people each singing a separate melody. Human voices can be classified into six groups, three for women and three for men. […]
Tare elegant este si “buzunarasul” in care se culcuseste cumintel CD-ul ce insoteste cartea.
Mi-am dorit foarte mult sa folosim intens aceasta carte, sa am carduri de pe care M. sa admire pasarile ce sunt mentionate in ea, sa le potriveasca cu piesa pe care o asculta, sa povestim despre ele si sa tesem povesti la infinit.
Prin urmare, am realizat un material in format PDF, in care se regasesc toate pasarile despre care vorbim, si pe care vi-l pun si voua cu drag la dispozitie. Varianta in limba romana o puteti descarca de aici, iar pe cea in engleza, de aici.
Nota: Foarte multe informatii utile gasiti si pe acest site, unde chiar puteti asculta toate piesele de pe CD-ul din carte, ba chiar o puteti citi in format electronic.
Noua muzica si pictura ne fac vietile mai frumoase, mai colorate, mai pline de energii pozitive si de imaginatie.
O saptamana cu multe triluri frumoase va dorim si voua!
(5 ani si 6 luni)