Usborne Illustrated Classics for Girls
Zilele trecute, Ioana (Carti engleza copii) i-a trimis M-ei cateva carticele, pe care ard de nerabdare sa vi le prezint. Multumim din suflet, draga Ioana!
Cea despre care am ales sa vorbesc azi, Illustrated Classics for Girls, face parte din celebra si atat de spectaculoasa si frumoasa serie de carti Usborne, imbracate in material textil (Clothbound story collections).
Este o carte deosebit de delicata, frumoasa, pastelata si numai buna de strans in brate, de citit si visat, de ras si plans, o carte atat de potrivita pentru a fi daruita unei fetite, asa cum ne spune insusti titlul ei.
Tesatura de pe coperta, insertiile autii, semnul de carte din satin, hartia cartonata si lucioasa ne atrag atentia de la prima intalnire cu aceasta carte.
Iar cand aruncam o privire si asupra cuprinsului ei, incantarea noastra creste inzecit: sase povesti clasice (tare, tare frumoase) ne invita la o lectura, garantat reusita.
Pe cele 384 de pagini (in format 220 x 170mm) ale cartii se astern elegant adaptari foarte reusite ale The Railway Children, The Wizard of Oz, The Secret Garden, Black Beauty, Little Women si Heidi.
Micutele doamne tocmai am terminat-o de citit, Heidi este printre preferatele noastre, cu Vrajitorul din Oz nu poti da gres, Black Beauty, The Secret Garden si The Railway Children intentionam de ceva timp sa i cumpar, deci sunt convinsa ca M. va adora aceasta carte.
In imaginile de mai jos veti putea vedea secvente din fiecare poveste in parte, alaturi de cate o pagina dedicata autorului acesteia.
Apreciez tare mult faptul ca celui mic ii poti citi, pe intelesul lui, cateva randuri despre cel sau cea care a dat viata textului pe care urmeaza sa il citeasca:
Edith Nesbit (1858 – 1924) wrote a hundred years ago, when most people rode by horse, not car, and television hadn’t been invented.
Her stories are full of excitement, adventure and magic. The Railway Children, first published in 1906, is one of her most famous books. It had been adapted for television four times and has twice been made into a film.
Iata si un fragment din aceasta poveste:
It all began at Peter’s birthday party. The servants were just bringing out the birthday cake, when the doorbell clanged sharply. […]
Upstairs, the children tried endlessly to work out where Father had gone. The next few days were just as strange.
All the maids left. Then a FOR SALE sign went up outside the house. The beautiful furniture was sold and meals now consisted of plain, cheap food. Mother was hardly ever at home. […]
Suddenly, there was a shriek and a snort and a train shot out from under it.
“It;s exactly like a dragon,” Peter shouted above the noise. “Did you feel the hot air from its breath?”
“Perhaps it’s going to London,” Phyllis yelled.
“Father might still be there,” shrieked Bobbie.
“If it’s a magic dragon, it’ll send our love to Father. Let’s wave.”
They puller out their handkerchiefs and waved them in the breeze. Out of a first class carriage window a hand waved back. It was an old gentleman’s hand, holding a newspaper.
After that, the children waved every day, rain or shine, at the old gentleman on the 9:15 train to London.
Este atat de pretioasa aceasta carte, incat ma bate gandul sa o pastrez pitita pana de Pasti. Atunci o va primi M. si sunt sigura ca va si dormi cu ea de incantare si exaltare.
O zi minunata tuturor!