Puzzle Activity Pack (Usborne)
Ioana (Carti engleza copii) ne-a facut o minunata surpriza cu aceasta gentuta in care se afla patru carti de matematica, logica, de dezvoltate a memoriei si spiritului de observatie.
Dupa cum vedeti in imaginea de mai jos, in componentaPuzzle Activity Pack intra:
~ Brain Puzzles
~ Memory Puzzles
~ Picture Puzzles
~ Number Puzzles
Sunt carticelele cu dimensiuni de 198 x 130mm, recomandate copiilor de peste 6 ani, carticele extrem de viu colorate si ticsite cu activitati care mai de care mai antrenante si mai interesante.
Eu le recomand cald si de-abia astept sa scapam de viroza urata care ne-a prins si pe noi in mrejele ei si sa ne punem pe rezolvat exercitiile din ele.
Personal, imi place mult si faptul ca nu sunt grele, nu au dimensiuni mari, mai au si gentuta in care pot fi purtate, deci le vad perfecte pentru dus in calatorii, in locuri unde avem de asteptat si dorim sa alungam plictiseala celor mici.
Ma bucur sa vad ca, in acest moment, kitul este si la reducere, deci cred ca e momentul ideal pentru a fi cumparat.
Si, pentru ca stiu cat de mult va place sa vedeti, concret, ce contin cartile despre care scriu, am decis ca, in articolul de azi, sa postez imagini si multe exemple de exercitii ce se regasesc in acestea.
~ Folding up: Which four of the green shapes below could fold up to make a triangular prism (shown in the middle)?
~ Monkey meals: These monkeys will gain a number of units of energy from each of the fruits they’ve collected. Use the key to calculate which pile of fruit will give the most energy.
~ Traffic jam: Study these vehicles, then compare them with the silhouettes on the opposite page.
~ Match the silhouettes to the vehicles. Write the correct number next to each other.
~ Key chaos: Nine students have hung up their keys, but which set of keys belong to whom? Write their initials on the labels […].
~ Twin chains: These chains are made up of links that are all gold, all silver, or half gold and half silver. A link shown on its side, like this, could be all gold, or half gold and half silver.
~ Country search: Find the names of the countries below in the grid and draw around them like this.
~ Odd one out: Circle the odd one out in each row.
~ Taking the bait: These fish will only swallow the hook numbers that are 75% of the numbers on their bodies. Draw a circle around the fish that won’t get hooked.
~ Bridge crossing: Only planks with calculations that are correct will hold your weight. Cross out the planks you should avoid to cross the bridge safely.
~ Robot scales: Take away three red boxes to balance the scales. Cross out ones you need to remove.
~ Butterfly wings: Fill in the missing numbers so that the number you make by multiplying the numbers on a butterfly’s top wings is the same as you make by multiplying the numbers on its bottom wings. The first one has been done for you.
~ Seat numbers: The Wilsons have bought tickets for a ballet. They’ll all be sitting together, and the number of the seats they’ve booked add up to their joint age. Mr. Wilson is 32 years old and her husband is two years older. Their two children are nine and seven. Draw crosses on the seats they’ll sit in.
~ Which map? Draw a square around the map that represents the scene on the next page.
~ Odd bug out: Circle the odd bug out.
~ Dotty dinosaur: Join the numbered dots in number order, then join the lettered dots in alphabetical order to finish the picture.
~ Mad scientist’s lab: Study this scene, then compare it with the one on the right. Circle the six differences in this scene.
~ Block printing: Circle the two printing blocks that have not been used to print this pattern.
~ Food symmetry: Draw lines on each of the plates of food below to show all their lines of symmetry.
~ Dear diary: Look at the previous page to find out how to do this puzzle.
~ Butterfly lives: These pictures show the different stages of the three butterflies. Memorize them for thirty seconds, then turn the page. Draw arrows joining the different stages for each butterfly. Turn back to see if you’re right.
~ Missing cupcake: Look at the previous page to find out how to do this puzzle.
~ Sandwich fillings: Look at this sandwich for thirty seconds, then turn the page. Number the correct fillings in the order they appear in the sandwich, from top to bottom. Turn back to see how you did.
~ Star patterns: Look at the previous page to find out how to do this puzzle.
~ Packing puzzle: Josie is packing to go on a trip. Memorize the items on her list for one minute, then turn the page to see the things she’s going to put in her suitcase. What’s missing? Check the list to see if your answer is correct.
~ Under umbrellas: Look at the previous page to find out how to do this puzzle.
~ Dear diary: Here’s a torn out page from an old diary. Read it carefully, then turn the page. Can you circle the things that are mentioned in the diary? Turn the page to check your answers.
In speranta ca recomandarea mea va este utila, va doresc un sfarsit de saptamana linistit si multa, multa sanatate!