Anatomie,  Recomandari (carti),  video M. si/sau mami

See inside Your Body

Atat de mult mi-a placut acest atlas anatomic, incat l-am recomandat unei prietene dragi ghidandu-ma dupa instinct, deci inainte de a-l rasfoi fizic. Iar acum, cand citim si invatam din See inside Your Body (editura Usborne), constat cu bucurie ca este si mai frumos decat mi-am imaginat!

M. nu este un mare fan al anatomiei, insa dupa tipul acesta de carti, cu multe clapete, informatii diverse, la obiect si cu umor redate se topeste, deci asimileaza cunostinte noi cu un entuziasm contagios.

Sunt peste 50 de clapete, desfasurate pe 16 pagini cu dimensiunile de 276mm x 216mm, “ferestre” cu ajutorul carora “vedem” in interiorul corpului uman, exact asa cum se intampla si in cazul puzzle-urilor in straturi, pe care absolut orice copil le iubeste.

Ilustratiile sunt absolut senzationale, vii, sugestive, frumos detaliate, iar cartonul din care e realizata intreaga carte are o grosime pe care rar o intalnesti la o carte, 2 mm!

Cireasa de pe tort o reprezinta multele quicklinks, care invita copilasii la jocuri si activitati ce completeaza minunat atlasul.

Deoarece titlurile capitolelor le-am precizat in filmuletul pe care il veti urmari putin mai jos, ma rezum la a reda in scris cateva fragmente din carte:

Important jobs are done by body parts called organs. They include your heart, brain, lungs, liver, skin and stomach.

Your skin is your body’s biggest organ.

Each part of your body is made up of millions of tiny building blocks, called dells.

Food contain useful things called nutrients. They keep your body going, just like fuel in a car.

Air comes in through your nose or mouth and travels down your windpipe into your lungs.

Your heart has two sides that pump at the same time. Valves control the blood flow. 

The sound of your heart beating is made by your heart valves closing.

Muscles work in opposite pairs. One muscle pulls while the other relaxes.

Muscles make up a third of your body weight.

Nearly half the bones in your body are in your hands and feet.

Your brain is made up of billions of special cells called neurons.

A message is passed from one neuron to the next, until it reaches its destination.

Ioanei ii multumim din suflet pentru carte, iar voua va dorim o zi linistita si frumoasa!

(5 ani si 10 luni)

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