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Kings and Queens Sticker Book (Diamond Jubilee Edition)

Regii, reginele, imparatii si imparatesele, printii si printesele reprezinta pentru copii personaje desprinse din povestile pe care le tot aude de-a lungul copilariei.

Dar ce faci atunci cand incepe sa te intrebe daca regele cutare este personaj fictiv sau chiar a existat in istorie? Apelezi la carti precum Kings and Queens Sticker Book (editura Usborne), o carte ce pare ea insasi a purta vesminte “regale”.

Este recomandata copiilor de la 7 ani in sus, contine 32 de pagini, plus alte 10 de stickere, are format mare (276 x 216mm).

Istoria poate fi usoara cand te joci, cand lipesti abtibildurile care te ajuta mult sa-ti fixezi in memorie figurile si datele istorice.

Cartea ne poarta, in ordine cronologica, prin trecutul si prezentul Marii Britanii, incepand din secolul al 10-lea si pana in zilele noastre.

Aflam informatii fascinante cu privire la evenimente istorice, vietile personale ale monarhilor britanici, dupa cum veti putea observa din fotografiile si textele selectate de mine mai jos:

Around 1500 years ago, England was made up of seven small kingdoms, each with their own king During the 19th century, the people living in these kingdoms began to call themselves “the English”, and became united under one king.

Many early Scottish kings spent their reigns fighting the English, who wanted to role Scotland. It wasn’t until Robert the Bruce’s reign that England recognized Scotland as an independent nation. Here are some of the most important early kings of Scotland.

When Stephen, last of the Normal kings, died without an heir, Matilda’s son, Henry of Anjou, became Henry II. He was the first Plantagenet kings. Most of them were very bad tempered, too.

The House of Lancaster and the House of York were both branches of the Plantagenet family, but they didn’t get on In 1461, a civil war broke out between the two houses. It lasted for 30 years.

Henry Tudor seized the throne, ending the War of the Roses and becoming the first Tudor monarch – Henry VII. His son, Henry VIII, became one of the most famous monarchs in history. He married six times and made himself head of the Church in England.

When Queen Elizabeth died childless, Mary Stuart’s son, James VI of Scotland, became James I, the first Stuart king of England. Not everyone liked him, but the disliked his son Charles even more. Eventually Charles got his head chopped off.

After Queen Anne died childless, her cousin George, from Hanover in Germany, took the throne as George I. Over the following hundred years, there were four kings called George – so this is often known as the Georgian age.

Queen Victoria ruled Britain for longer than any other monarch. While she was Queen, Britain had the largest empire in history, and by the end of her reign, new inventions had changed forever.

Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for well over 50 years. During this time, the role of the monarchy has changed dramatically, and media interest in the royal family has grown and grown.

Ii multumim tare mult Ancai (In minunata lume a cartilor) pentru carte, iar voua va dorim sa aveti parte de o zi linistita, calma si senina!

(6 ani si 1 luna)

One Comment

  • Unknown

    Foarte interesanta cartea, o avem si noi in Wishlist :).

    Tot o carte frumoasa, alcatuita din alte doua pe care noi le avem deja, este:

    Nu sunt date atat de multe detalii ca in cartea pe care ne-o prezinti tu, Camelia, insa, atat mie :), cat si Clarei ne-a placut mult sa lucram cu ea. Am vizitat atat de multe tari si am admirat atatea costume nemaipomenite!

    Cartile acestea de la Usborne, cu abtibilduri, sunt minunate pentru copii!!!

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