Jocul sunetelor,  Recomandari (carti)

Classical Music Sticker Book

Una dintre primele carti ce o asteptau, cumintele, pe M. la intoarcerea din vacanta este aceasta, Classical Music Sticker Book, proaspat aparuta la editura Usborne.

Coincidenta face ca, de cateva zile sa fi primit o bursa Soft Mozart (de sase luni, la pian), deci putem spune ca studiul muzicii reincepe sa prinda contur in micutul nostru atelier care, pe parcursul verii, a rasunat (doar) de acordurile pieselor invatate anterior si acum repetate.

Sunt extrem de incantata ca aceasta carte da startul unei noi perioade de asimilare pentru M. si mine, deopotriva.

Scrisa de Anthony Marks si ilustrata de Galia Berstein, realizata in intregime din hartie groasa, lucioasa, cartea are format mare (276 x 216mm), contine 32 de pagini, plus inca alte 10 cu stickere.

Vorbim despre o carte interactiva, doldora de informatii interesante, inedite si captivante atat pentru copii, cat si pentru adulti, dar si plina-ochi de abtibilduri ce vor tine mult timp ocupate manutele harnice. 

Privita din perslectiva larga, cartea invita cititorul sa potriveasca stickerele “muzicale” cu fiecare tema propusa in carte, invatand in felul acesta despre stiluri diferite de muzica si mari compozitori.

Privita in amanunt, ea ii dezvaluie informatii legate de modul in care a evoluat scrierea partiturilor de-a lungul timpului, felul in care aratau primele instrumente muzicale si modul in care erau ele utilizate, cum s-a facut trecerea de la muzica prestata exclusiv intre peretii palatelor, la muzica de camera, la sali publice de spectacole si, mai nou, la spatiile in aer liber. 

Tot aici aflam ce este o opera si care este cea mai lunga opera scrisa vreodata, cum a aparut prima trupa de balet sau cine a scris muzica pentru balet, ce este o orchestra, ce rol are dirijorul ei, ce sunt concertul, simfonia si uvertura, ce conduita trebuie sa adoptam intr-o sala de concert, ce legatura poate exista intre muzica si pictura, muzica si natura, muzica si stiinta, muzica si tehnologie si cate si mai cate alte date foarte interesante.

Inedita si foarte utila este prezenta, pe fiecare a doua pagina, a cate unui cod QR (pentru tableta si smartphone) sau quicklinks (pentru calculator), cu ajutorul caruia se pot asculta fragmente muzicale reprezentative pentru tema abordata.

Iata cuprinsul bogat al cartii:

~ What is classical music?

~ Writing down

~ Music and religion

~ Music for entertainment

~ Operas

~ Music for ballet

~ The Orchestra

~ Concerts

~ Music and monarchy

~ Music and painting

~ Music and nature

~ Words and music

~ Music and science

~ Music and technology

~ Timeline

Am extras, aleatoriu, si cateva fragmente din carte – in felul acesta veti putea singuri sa va faceti o impresie referitoare la stilul in care e scrisa:

Before sound recording was invented, just over a hundred years ago, a lot of music was lost forever as soon as it was sung or played. […] 

An Italian monk named Guido d’Arezzo is often considered to be the inventor of modern music notation. He wrote neumes on parallel lines, so singers could see clearly how the notes went up and down. […]

Music has played a big part in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. In fact, a lot of music that we think of as “classical” first developed in churches and monasteries. […]

Concerts as we know them today didn’t exist before the 18th century. For most people, the only opportunity to hear musicians playing was at dances and fairs, often held near castles and palaces. […]

Austrian composer Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809) wrote the first string quartets for amateur musicians. Music written for small groups, to be played in private settings, is known as chamber music. […]

The world’s first ballet company was set up in 1661 by Louis XIV of France. He himself performed as a dancer, and employed a composer named Lully to direct the royal ballet and opera. […]

Until the late 18th century, there were hardly any public concert halls – and hardly any concerts. Any concerts that were held took place in churches, palaces and theaters. […]

King Louis XIV of France was a musician and dancer. His nickname, “the sun king” came from the costume he wore when he danced in a ballet, written by his court composer, Lully, when he was only fourteen years old.

In 1804, when German composer Beethoven had just finished his third symphony, he dedicated ii to Napoleon and wrote his name on the cover, because he admired the French military leader so much.

But when Napoleon declared himself the “Emperor of the French”, Beethoven was so angry that he erased his name from the music and renamed the symphony Eroica, meaning “heroic”.

The Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras linked music to the human body, mathematics, and astronomy. He realized that bells and strings made different notes depending on their size and length. […]

Many people believed music was linked to the movement of planets. As astronomer named Kepler wrote Harmonices Mundi in 1619, giving each planet a musical pattern.

In the 17th century, scientist Isaac Newton studied how light splits through a prism into seven colours. He linked each one to a musical note.

Asa arata stickerele:

Iar acestea sunt o parte din paginile pe care M. a lipit abtibildurile:

Ioana, multumim din suflet pentru darul minunat!

Inconjurati-va copilasii de muzica! Joaca lor va fi infinit mai frumoasa si mai bogata afectiv, emotional si intelectual!

(5 ani si 9 luni)

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