The Usborne Christmas Carols Sticker Book
Intr-un articol anterior va recomandam o carte ce imbina religia cu arta plastica (cu pictura).
Astazi am sa va recomand The Usborne Christmas Carols Sticker Book, aparuta tot la editura Usborne, carte ce aduna laolalta religia, pictura, dar si muzica!
Si iarasi voi rosti multe cuvinte de laudatio la adresa unui produs publicat in colaborare cu Galeria Nationala a Londrei, o carte extrem de frumoasa, de dimensiuni mari (305 x 238mm), impartita pe 24 de pagini de text si imagini, plus alte 8 pagini de stickere.
Daca doriti sa faceti cadou unui copilas ce iubeste pictura si muzica, acesta este cadoul perfect – in aceasta carte, cei mici vor gasi partiturile si textele a 11 colinde foarte cunoscute si iubite (printre care ‘Silent Night’, ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ sau ‘Away in a Manger’), precum si informatii privitoare la originile acestora si semnificatiile unora dintre termenii folositi in texte.
Invatam sa cantam aceste colinde la un instrument muzical si/sau cu vocea, iar textele lor nu mai ascund niciun mister gratie explicatiilor ce le insotesc.
Iata cateva asemenea exemple:
“God rest ye merry, Gentlemen” appears in “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. It is sung by the carol singer who is turned away by the greedy old miser, Ebenezer Scrooge.
“God rest ye merry” means “May God keep you strong.”
In the 19th century, town watchmen sang this as they walked through the streets at Christmas, hoping to earn extra money at rich men’s houses.
Citim si despre “Silent Night”:
The original words and music for this carol were written in the town of Oberndorf in Austria, and first performed there at the Church of St. Nicholas on Christmas Eve, 1818.
During the First World War, “Silent Night” was sung by English, French and German troops at the Christmas truce – when they stopped fighting – on Christmas Day 1914. It was the only Christmas carol they all knew.
iar despre “While Sheperds Watched” aflam ca:
“David’s town” is anther name for Bethlehem – the home town of King David in the Bible.
In imaginea de mai jos vedeti o parte dintre stickere. Sunt replici atat de frumoase ale unor tablouri celebre, ce dateaza din Evul Mediu si Renastere, precum si carti postale si postere (pe tema Craciunului) din perioada Victoriana.
Pe acestea, M. deja le-a lipit la locsorul lor – priviti ce explozie de culoare si de frumos a rezultat!
Si ce date interesante aflam despre aceste picturi!
Va dezvalui o mica parte din ele:
This picture, known as a diptych, made up of two hinged panels painted on both sides, probably belonged to King Richard II of England. It’s covered in real gold leaf. The paint for the rich blue robes came from crushed lapis lazuli, an expensive semi-precious stone which had to be bought all the way from Afghanistan.
If you look very closely, you can see that the angels are wearing white deer badges and collars of a plant called broom. There were the king’s special symbols.
The scene of the Nativity at night is so dark, it creates a feeling of silence and calm. You can barely make out Joseph and the animals behind the manger.
There’s a cow and a donkey next to the little angels.
Iata cum vede Matisse “Nuit de Noël” (1952):
Notice the big bright “Star of Bethlehem” standing out among all the other stars.
Eu iubesc mult “Away in a Manger” si, pentru mine, M. a invatat sa cante acest colind la pian.
Sper sa va bucure aceste acorduri sufletele si sa va transpuna, macar pret de cateva clipe, in atmosfera minunata a Craciunului:
Anca, iti multumimi din suflet pentru cartea aceasta atat de plina de inspiratie si frumos!
(5 ani si 11 luni)
One Comment
Buna dimineata, Maia
Cat de frumos poti sa canti! Esti minunata. Multumesc Camelia pentru recomandare; noi avem cartea de ceva timp si asteptam ca Mos Ncolae sa o puna in ghetute.